Our Lady's message given through Mirijana, December 2nd 2011 Dear children, as a mother I am with you so that with my love, prayer and example I may help you to become a seed of the future, a seed that will grow into a firm tree and spread it's branches throughout the world. For you to become a seed of the future, a seed of love, implore the Father to forgive you your omissions up to now. My children, only a pure heart, unburdened by sin, can open itself and only honest eyes can see the way by which I desire to lead you. When you become aware of this, you will become aware of the love of God – it will be given to you. Then you will give it to others, as a seed of love. Thank you.
메주고리예성모님이 알려주신 세속,육신,마귀 (또는 악습)에 대항할 무기 - 다섯 개의 작은 돌
(I give you the weapon against your Goliath, here are your little stones:)
1. 묵주의 기도 1. Pray the Rosary
2. 성체성사(미사, 영성체) 2. Eucharist
3. 성경 3. Holy Bible
4. 단식(물과 빵 -수,금) 4. Fasting
5. 고백성사 (매달 한번이상) 5. Monthly confession
[ 매월 2일에 미리야나에게 주시는 어머님의 메시지는 하느님을 모르는 사람들, 무신론자, 냉담자, 불쌍한 영혼들을 구하기 위하여 우리에게 주시는 메시지라고 합니다. 천상의 엄마는 너무나 우리를 사랑하시고, 아들 예수님을 사랑하시기 때문에, 우리를 모두 아들 예수님께 가게 하시려고 애쓰십니다.]