α  ȸ  ̿밡̵  ó  TEXT 

평일미사 월요일 06:30 / 화요일 19:30 / 수요일, 금요일 10:00 19:30 / 목요일 10:00
 주일미사 토요일 16:00 (가정)/ 19:30 (중,고등부) 주일 06:30 /09:00 /11:00 /19:30(청년

SELECT B.bo_subject, N.bo_table, N.wr_id, DATE_FORMAT(N.bn_datetime, '%y.%c.%e(%k:%i)') as bn_datetime FROM g4_board_new N, g4_board B, g4_group G WHERE N.wr_id = N.wr_parent AND N.bo_table = B.bo_table AND G.gr_id = B.gr_id AND G.gr_subject <> '繫' AND G.gr_subject <> 'banner' AND G.gr_subject <> '˸' AND B.bo_subject <> 'Ȳ' AND B.bo_subject <> 'Ŀ丮' AND B.bo_subject <> '' order by N.bn_datetime desc

1267 : Illegal mix of collations (euckr_korean_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '<>'

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